Tuesday, February 11, 2014

The Niacin Flush

The first time I took Niacin 500 mg I had the strangest experience, which is very common I have come to find out.  First I felt little pin pricks all over the top of my head, next my ears were on fire!!! My face turned bright red including my ears and neck.  The redness slowly crept down my chest all the way to my arms and legs.  I felt heat all over my back and face.  I can honestly say I did not like this at all!!  But after much thought I decided to give it another try.  I took it again, first thing in the morning  on an empty stomach and had the same experience however this time I kind of liked it.  When I thought about what was happening, all my capillaries opening up and releasing toxins, I started to enjoy the feeling. I had a feeling that this must be good, getting blood flowing and moving through out the body, sending oxygen to my organs and creating heat in the body. I did do some research and I was correct, niacin does open up the capillaries and push blood through out the body releasing toxins.  In fact, the detoxing affect is great for weight loss and  I also noticed an elevation in my mood, I mean jump in the air and click your heels kind of mood. So after the initial shock, I am now hooked on Niacin.  There is a non-flushing type of niacin but I have read that this is ineffective and not to use it.  Another option to reducing the symptoms is to take a regular aspirin 1/2 hour before taking niacin. I have also learned that too much niacin can have a negative effect on the liver, so I am not taking it everyday. So in the end the niacin flush is a good experience and as more research is done on it I am sure we will hear many more positive things about niacin and the benefits of taking it.

Please note; this was my experience with niacin and I am in no way recommending this supplement to anyone and would advise you to consult your physician before taking any type of supplement.