Reiki is an energy and system of healing (universal energy). Reiki has been used to treat virtually every known illness from migraines, broken bones, to fatigue and personality disorders. Reiki works on all levels; physical, mental, emotional and spiritual to promote healing. Reiki can be used to heal animals, people at a geographical distance from the healer, past traumas and future events. Reiki flows through the healer to the recipient. Because Reiki is universal energy it can only heal and cause no harm.
Reiki can be passed on to objects also. Just as one may pray over their food, Reiki can be directed into the food before consumption. I infuse all of my ingredients with Reiki energy before I make my skincare products. This purifies the ingredients of any negative energy that may be attached to them. I have found that these products actually give my skin a natural glow because of the positive energy in them.
To use Reiki energy you must complete a training program in which a Reiki master passes the energy on to you. Once you have this training then you may be able to use this energy to help heal others. I use Reiki often to heal my pets, I witnessed a cat go from deaths door to complete recovery with no other means of healing other than Reiki.
As with any alternative healing method, I am sure their are skeptics,out there. I will leave it up to you to decide if Reiki energy is beneficial to health and wellness. To give my products a try please visit http://www.playablu.com/
Love and blessings~
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